Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"Good seasons start with good beginnings" (Sparky Anderson)

It is still rather surreal and overwhelming to think that I am the one chosen to represent the 95,000 educators in North Carolina.  My emotions range from excitement to utter panic.  I keep asking myself if this is really happening.  I do not feel worthy of this position, yet I know God has called me to this place for a reason.  My desire to make a difference and a positive impact on North Carolina Public Education is great.  Greater than even that, though, is my desire to inspire the teachers of North Carolina to see their potential and the impact they have, regardless of whether they feel their voices are being heard.

Many people have asked me what I look forward to most about the coming year as well as what I dread most.  If I am being honest, I am devastated at the "loss" of my students for a year. If you know me well, you know that my students are my life-blood.  They are the reason I teach, and a year without them every day just feels empty, void, and just plain wrong. However, the excitement of learning more about North Carolina Public Education, spreading hope and affirmation to the teachers of North Carolina, and being able to meet and learn from the fantastic educators of our great state has me so excited I can hardly sleep.  Seriously.  Sleep has evaded me since July 1. My peppy personality is in overdrive, and I cannot help but smile when I think of the possibilities this year holds.  

There are so many experiences that I have already had as the 2015-2016 NC TOY before my "official" start date of July 1, 2015. So, I will recap those for you in the coming month and post about the current happenings as well!  I am going to leave you with a "sneak peak" of my Teacher of the Year office that my high school (Ashe County High School) has so graciously provided for me.  I am most excited that my students can still leave notes for me and drop by to see me when I am there.  I look forward to the coming year and hope you will follow me on this incredible journey!

Please excuse the mess as this office is still "under construction"!! :)

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